Week in review
RBA minutes released Tuesday, UK data due is expected to show post Brexit weakness
Company research
Given all the comments about Brexit and the largely negative impact on the global markets – lower equity prices and credit spread widening – we thought it would be useful to put together a summary that examined the exposure of FIIG originated bonds to the situation
Financial investors were hopeful that, given the weekend to comprehend the UK’s decision to leave the EU, rational heads may have worked out some of the issues – resulting in much calmer European financial markets on Monday
The Brexit result has caused markets around the globe to freefall – but investors can still protect their portfolio by allocating more to fixed income
Britain’s decision to exit the EU has shocked every asset market across the globe
With the Brexit referendum just 48 hours away, the Spanish election on Sunday, the Aussie election less than two weeks away and the Trump/Clinton showdown next cab off the rank, there has rarely been so much financial market attention on polls
Britain’s crucial Brexit vote takes place on Thursday. Markets are getting progressively more nervous as polls converge with investors, realising it will take years to disengage from the EU and the drag this will have on trade and global growth if they decide to go
Germany’s 10 year government bonds have joined Japan and Switzerland in the growing league of government bonds paying negative yields
Week in review
The Australian 10 year government bond trading at a record low, opinion polls show Brexit is much closer than expected and influx of recent Tier 2 issuance
There is a not quite perfect but well developed storm brewing in currency markets, and history tells us that the AUD will get caught in the middle once again