Company updates
This week, Eric Insurance released its 1H17 results, PMP provides an update following its acquisition of IPMG, Sydney Airport announced it declined the offer to develop and operate Western Sydney Airport, and we DirectBonded new bonds from Barminco Finance and Talen Energy Supply
Company factsheets
Talen Energy Supply (Talen) is a North American independent energy and power generation company, headquartered in Allentown, Pennsylvania. As an independent power producer (IPP), Talen produces and sells electricity, capacity and energy related services from its fleet of power plants totalling over 16,000 MW of generating capacity, as at December 2016.
Company updates
Company updates galore as BlueScope, Emeco and Sunland reported for the second quarter, we add Enviva and Talen Energy Supply to our USD DirectBonds list, Navient is downgraded by S&P, NCIG is placed on CreditWatch and Tesco announced they agreed to merge with Booker Group plc
Company factsheets
Talen Energy Supply (Talen) is a North American independent energy and power generation company, headquartered in Allentown, Pennsylvania. As an independent power producer (IPP), Talen produces and sells electricity, capacity and energy related services from its fleet of power plants totalling over 16,000 MW of generating capacity, as at December 2016.